Have you resisted being recruited into the Fear Cult? The Fear Cult will bribe you with French fries and money to join, and will shame you if you don’t. The Cult Leaders of the Fear Cult controls most everything you watch and see on a screen. The Cult Leaders of the Fear Cult wants to create war between those who join the Fear Cult and those who don’t. The Cult Leaders of the Fear Cult says that if you do not join them, you are not fully human, and should not be treated as fully human.
These Cult Leaders could rightfully be called Communists, Nazis, and Tyrants. They won’t admit that they are any of these, which makes them even more dangerous than those tyrants of long ago who at least were honest about their crimes and evil. Not the tyrants of today. These tyrants of today preach love, when in fact they are some of the most hateful people you could ever meet. They preach tolerance and racial equality, as they try to brainwash minorities into a victim mentality, while at the same time enacting new “Jim Crow” style laws under the guise of health mandates. They preach democracy and freedom, yet whittle away the constitutional rights of citizens world wide, under the lie of public health. They are essentially as demons–false messiahs who save the world from nothing, and instead lead the sheep who blindly follow them into a slow but most assured slaughter.
How do these enemies of freedom enact their Fear Cult?
1, Through the weaponization of fear through globally orchestrated propaganda.
2, Through germ warfare experimentation from a scientific and medical community that mixes genetic codes of rats, pigs, and other animals with human beings that would have made Hitler proud. And
3, Through a trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry that has–just as they did with Hitler–supplanted themselves into positions of power within the world governments themselves, wherein they have employed those governments to try and force everyone on the entire planet to become their drug users.
Just two years ago (prior to Covid19), emotional stress was cited by the N.I.H. as one of the primary contributing factors of the top deadly diseases.
“Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the intricate interaction of consciousness (psycho), brain and central nervous system (neuro), and the body’s defense against external infection and aberrant cell division (immunology). More specifically it is devoted to understanding the interactions between the immune system, central nervous system and endocrine system.” (source: National Institute of Health aka NIH)
NIH also cites that “Several studies have shown that chronic stress exerts a general immunosuppressive effect that suppresses or withholds the body’s ability to initiate a prompt, efficient immune reaction.” (…) “This weakening of immune function is thought to be associated with general strain on the various body parts associated with the production and maintenance of the immune system.”
In other words, too much stress can and generally does weaken the body and its ability to heal itself or keep itself healthy. Too much stress can literally cause sickness and disease.
Is emotional stress one of the primary contributing factors to one contracting a severe case of Covid19? While this has not been discussed in mainstream news, that answer, which should be apparent to any freshman in high school, is a resounding “Yes.”
We also know that “obesity” is also the the number one key contributing factor (co-morbidity) of Covid19. And yet, both of these facts are duly ignored in most corporate media, and among the majority of politicians, most of who now have deemed themselves as pseudo-doctors and health officials appointed for all of society.
Vitamin D deficiency is also one of the primary co-morbidities (secondary root causes of death) of Covid19. How does one get more Vitamin D? The most common, best ways are either by a vitamin supplement, or ideally, exposure to the sun. And so what did Dr. Fauci and other so-called public health officials, as well as politicians order Americans to do? That’s right, hide in their homes.
Right here in Los Angeles, LA County even constructed massive fences and welded 20 foot high iron gates to shut off access to hundreds of miles of sunny, fresh open air hiking trails. They even paid with our tax dollars–masked young adults (many who were incidentally pale and obese) to sit outside in front of the gate at a table, telling hikers, “The trails are closed!” If this sounds insane, it’s because it is.
If one had to think about what created the most fear during the advent of Covid19, it would not take long for one to conclude that the mainstream media was the primary harbinger of panic, fear, and death. In fact, one could legitimately ask, “If there were no mainstream media, would the pandemic even have existed?” Certainly, Covid19 exists and has caused terrible illness and death for many throughout the world. However, so does obesity, and so does stress. And, while Covid19 is terrible by itself, obesity and stress are actually far greater killers in terms of mass fatality, as they are the primary contributing factors to nearly ALL of the diseases which are the top 10 killers throughout the world. They are also even–as we know and noted above, contributing factors to Covid19.
And yet, how much attention does the media, politicians, or health officials give to obesity or stress? Where was the shutdown of society for two widely known killers that are far worse than Covid19? Where were the public service announcements to get fit and de-stress? They didn’t even exist. And they still don’t. Instead, we watch American politicians stuff their faces with cakes, brownies, ice cream cones, and junk fast food for the world to see.
We see the fake politicians cover their faces for photo opportunities with masks that are not even N95 or N100 NIOSH certified that do virtually nothing, then yank them off, letting them foolishly dangle on one ear when they think they are not being filmed.
We see a mainstream media agenda that not only does not urge calm and healthy lifestyles, but that thrives on panic, fear, and death, and that actually promotes obesity, hard alcohol use, drug use, and a victim mentality.
We watch a new Mayor of New York pass out a joint to a late night host on prime time national television, conveying to children and young adults that’s its OK to get high. Never mind the fact that cigarette and pot smoking increases chances of death by Covid19, and the fact that pot smoking makes a person generally gain weight, become lazy and lethargic, and at times even become paranoid or psychotic.
“If it bleeds–it leads” is an old saying concerning media, and today unfortunately, that saying has never been more accurate. Mainstream media has profited off of the panic and fear of Covid19– that same panic and fear that they themselves have created. If psychological warfare against one’s own country was a crime, then indeed–American corporate media and their political constituents would be guilty as charged.
Until government, media, and American communication companies stop censoring political and medical speech, and attempting to create political divisions within society, than around half of the country will not trust what those institutions have to say–and for good reason.
With reportedly over 50% of blacks un-vaccinated in the U.S, and with American government having a factual history of conspiring with the medical establishment to actually covertly kill blacks, such as in the Tuskegee Experiments in alliance with the CDC, it is blatantly wrong to castigate ANYONE who questions the integrity of the government when it comes to pubic health matters.
It is not the burden of the un-drugged to take an experimental drug even against the advice of their own medical doctor or their own conscious to protect society. Is is the burden of those not afraid to take an experimental drug with no long term efficacy or safety factors known, to take it IF they want.
It is not the burden of the un-drugged to automatically trust a government initially engaging in the supremacist genocide of Native Americans and Blacks. It is the burden of that government to tell the truth to the American people and prove to the people why that government should now be trusted–which they have not done.
It is factually supremacist and evil to deny blacks–let alone anyone–the same respect, decency, and freedom allowed to those who choose to take a vaccine that is indeed–experimental.
if the experimental vaccines actually prevent severe cases of Covid19 or its variants, then those that take the shot should have nothing to fear from those that do not, and from some who even cannot, due to valid medical or religious reasons.
The hateful propaganda against those who believe they have natural immunity, and rightly may so, or against those who have valid medical or religious reasons for NOT taking a powerful, experimental drug must stop and it must stop NOW.
As one medical doctor stated to us, “We are living in a medical experiment. No one knows potential adverse risks of the vaccines 6 months, a year, or 10 or 20 years from now on the persons who take it. “
Who even read the ingredients of the vaccines and what they do to the body who did get the shot? Generally no one. But that is a persons choice. We have the right to be ignorant of facts and act most anyway even if it may harm us. We have the right as adults to let government pretend and play to be our doctor, daddy, or babysitter, and listen to them and believe everything they say, even though they have lied to us time and time again. But government does not have the right to FORCE that demented relationship.
We have the right to not be bullied by arrogant politicians, health officials, or arrogant opinion leaders who demand that we commit to a permanent decision without being given complete and accurate truthful information and total informed consent. We have a right to choose what we do with our body or not.
The government does NOT own our body–we do. The days of Leper colonies are over. According to History dot com, concerning those with the disease of leprosy and the leper colony of Kalaupapa, Hawaii, “While patients’ families could visit, they were housed in separate quarters, and allowed to communicate only through a chicken wire screen. “They catch you like a crook and you don’t have any rights at all,” Olivia Robello Breitha, a longtime patient, wrote in her 1988 autobiography. “They didn’t care about ruining a life… I was just a number.” The article also states that “Tragically, babies were taken from their mothers and raised elsewhere.” (March 31, 2020, History dot com)
Today, governments around the world including America are largely treating the un-drugged in the same manner. The right to work, to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness, even the right to travel or collect unemployment is being threatened by crazed politicians who have become enemies of a free society, all under the guise of “public health.”
Government leaders of countries including Canada and Australia have become even more crazed, tyrannical despots. These enemies of freedom must be defeated.
Thankfully today, there are cures or leprosy. There are also workable therapeutics for Covid19 in early stages. Yet those very solutions are being banned by certain evil governments and politicians. SHAME ON THEM!
Do NOT succumb to a global political machine of tyranny and fear. It was never about “slowing the spread” which was long ago achieved. It was about DRUGGING and CONTROL. Stand for freedom, and do not let bullies cower you into submission. It is your God given right to know what is real, and to be free.
If psychological warfare against one’s own country was a crime, then indeed–most American corporate media would be guilty as charged.
The good news is–tyrants never last, because their rule is based on lies. The truth may be censored, but it will never be stopped. This is a benevolent universe made by a benevolent creator.
Keep the faith!
–subnormal magazine