The Department of Homeland (in)Security is reportedly creating a new Propaganda Department. Minister of Information aka Homeland inSecurity Secret-ary Alejandro Mayorkas reportedly stated, according to ABC news that “part of its intention is to counter misinformation in Hispanic communities.” Additional tasks will allegedly be to counter border crossing myths and Russian misinformation. Riiiiight. If you believe this isn’t a politicized psi-op weapon, then I have a nice star to sell you out there in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Can you think of governments getting involved in the control of media and information outside of wartime? Let’s see.. Hitler in nazi led Germany, China, Iran, and North Korea, where free speech does not exist, and Russia, where critics of the war against Ukraine are now reportedly being sentenced to prison for 15 years. NICE!
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” –George Orwell, Animal Farm
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